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Friday, 28 August 2015

Toughest Interview Questions | Puzzles and Riddles - Part 5

Q 1. Name the document which solely belongs to you but your signature on it makes the document invalid ! Lets see how many are smart here..
A. Death certificate.
Q 2. A cruel dictator is fond of killing people without any reason. One day he catches a man and tells him that he must make a statement before being killed. If the dictator says that the statement is true, then he will be stabbed to death. If the dictator says that the statement is false, he will be burned alive. What statement should that person make in order to survive?
A. The person should say, "I will be burned alive".
Q 3. A passionate cyclist crosses the border between Spain and France with a small side bag. The officials have investigated him all these months but have found nothing on him. But yet, he is smuggling something. What?
A. Cycle
Q 4. One man was moving to and fro in worry when a bright woman noticed him. On asking he told her that while replacing his tire, he incidentally dropped all the four nuts into a deep drain. She told him what to do and he was then able to drive back successfully till his office. What did she say to him?
A. The woman told him to take out one nut each from the rest of the wheels and use them.
Q 5. I surely can't get any more wetter, no matter how much rain falls on me. What Am I ?
A. I am Water.
Q 6. I am a fruit which often comes in a group of two. Who Am I ?
A. Pear.
Q 7. If you were asked to pick nine toothpicks and make them ten without breaking any of them, how will you do it?
A: Align the toothpicks to form TEN. Use one toothpick for each of the lines.
Q 8. Solve the below number equation maths problem by replacing each letter by different digit. 4 × (O N E) = T E N
Note: No letter can be replaced by number zero.
A: 4 × (182) = 728.
Q 9. what does it means : PROG-WORK-RESS ?
A: Work in Progress.
Q 10. I can die but can't live. Who am i ?
A. I am a battery.

Q 11. Name the fish that cannot swim in water ?
A. Dead Fish.
Q 12. A girl and four guys were traveling along with the holy river. Suddenly it started raining. The guys were drenched in rain till they reached the destination while the girl remained dry. If there was no umbrella or hat used against the rain, how did it happen?
A.The four guys were palanquin bearers carrying the princess in a coffin.
Q 13. The person is leaving hospital after visiting his wife. He gets onto an empty elevator moving down. He presses the button for ground floor. As soon as the elevator stops, he starts crying for his wife is dead. How did he know ?
A. His wife is on a life support system. The elevator has stopped due to the power cut. If there was an emergency backup generator functioning well, the elevator would have also be running. It stopped in between means that the life system support has stopped as well.
Q 14. What is Green but it smells like a blue paint ?
A. A green paint off-course.
Q 15. I have hands but i cannot clap. Who am I ?
A. A clock.
Q 16. Bear Grylls is shooting for an episode in Jungle. There are no source of light present in the Jungle nor does he possess any other artificial source of light. Suddenly he notices a black python crossing his path. How did he manage to see the snake?
A. It's day time.
Q 17. I am a country but I become a part of your body if the last alphabet of my name is removed. Can you name me?
A: China.
Q 18. here is uniqueness between these five names : Nell Edna swati itaws and Ellen.
What uniqueness am i talking about ?
A: Either your read from start or from ends, it will be same.
Q 19. "It" never dries out, even in sunshine. What is "It" ?
A: Sweat.
Q 20. "It" breaks down, if you call its name ?
A. Silence.

For Part - 4 of this series :

World's Hardest Puzzles and Riddles | Amazing English Riddles - Part 4

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