So, as promised we are back with part - 2 of IAS level interview questions. Be honest with yourself, try answering these questions bu your own, do not look at answers.

Q 1. I am a formed by ten letters. 1st 4 letters has the power to rule. We can next 4 letters. Next 3 letters represents a lady. I can fly as well. what am i searching for ?
A. Kingfisher
Q 2. It is a 9 letter word - 123456789. If we lose it, we will die. If you have 234, you can 1234.??56 is one type of disease. 8 9 indicates exact location & time, 2 & 7 are same letter, 3 & 8 are same letter, 5 & 9 are same letter. Can you guess the word ?
A. Heartbeat
Q 3. I'm An 8 Letter Word. First 4 Is The Question, 2 3 4 Protects Our Head, 5 6 7 Is A Liquid In Tree & 7 & 8 R Same Letters. Who Am I ?
A. Whatsapp
Q 4. In a rainy season , 10 fat girl having a small umbrella for all of them. The umbrella is too small to accommodate all 10 girls, yet not a single girl got wet. How ?
A. Its not raining , its just a rainy season :p
Q 5. Can so solve the rebus problem by determining what does it says ?
A. Comfortable (Come 4 Table)
Q 6. I am an eight letter word and I am a computer terminology. The second, third and fourth letters make an animal. The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth letters make a weapon. The first, second, third and fourth letters can be taken as an outcome of any exam. The fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth letter combine to form a high end typing software. Can you tell who am I ?
A. Password
Q 7. I am a word of five letters. People eat me. If u remove my 1st letter it will be a form of crime! If u remove my first 2 letters i am a type of animal. If u remove my first and the last letter i form music. Can you tell who am I ?
A: Grape
Q 8. I am as light as a feather, yet the strongest person not able to hold me for more than two minute. What am I ?
A: Breath
Q 9. I am thinking of a word that change both gender & number when i add the letter 'S'. What word am I thinking of ?
A: Princes (male and plural). When you add an 's' Princess (female and singular)
Q 10. What Does this funny rebus represents ?
A: 5Q + 5Q = 10Q = Thank You
Q 11. There is a word which when reads upside or down or even backward or forward reads the same. Can you identify the word ?
A: Noon
Q 12. What does this rebus means ? Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your
A: Tenures (10 yours)
Q 13. Ishant Sharma jumps from a 100 feet high building but he don't get injured. Why ?
A: Because he jumped from 1st floor
Q 14. It can sizzle like bacon. It is made from an egg. It has plenty of backbone but lack a good leg. It peel layers like onions but still remain whole. It can be long like a flagpole yet fit in a hole. What is It ?
A: Snake
Q 15. What does this rebus means ? XQQQQQME
A: Excuse Me (X Q-s Me)
For Part - 1 of this series :
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