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Saturday, 27 March 2021

Ship Blocked in Suez Canal finally refloats - MV Ever Given Ship Stuck leads to Global Trade crisis

The satellite picture by CNES 2021 delivered on Thursday via Airbus DS shows the Ever Given compartment ship lodged sideways and hindering all traffic across the stream of Egypt's Suez Canal.| AFP/ CNES 2020

What is Suez Canal

The Suez Canal is a fake ocean level stream in Egypt, associating the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea through the Isthmus of Suez and separating Africa and Asia. Built somewhere in the range of 1859 and 1869 by the Suez Canal Company shaped by Ferdinand de Lesseps in 1858, it formally opened on 17 November 1869.


What is MV Ever Given

on March 23, 2021, a massive, one of the World's largest 200000 Tonne (2 lakh tonnes), 1312 feet long, Cargo Ship named MV Ever Given owned by Taiwanese company Evergreen Marine, which started its journey from Malaysia to Netherlands got stuck in Suez Canal and it disrupted the global trade particularly between Asia and Europe. The ship has turned sideways and blocked the trade route. It halts major repercussions for the global shipping system. The ship turned sideways due to 40-knot winds and blinding dust storm and wedged itself into the two banks of the stream. Digging groups are moving huge measures of sand to free a skyscraper-size container ship stuck in the Suez Canal, one of the world's busiest delivery courses.

Importance of Suez Canal

The Suez waterway associates Egypt's Port Said on the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean through the Southern Egyptian City of the Suez on the Red Sea. It reduces the distance between Asia and Europe by humongous 7000 km and carries 12% of the World Trade by Volume. The stranded ship has 25 Indian crew members on board and all are safe. According to Lloyd's List data, at present over 200 container ships including 40 bulk carriers and around 25 crude tankers, are waiting to enter into Suez Canal on either of its ends.

Trade Loss

Currently, stranded ship is holding cargo of upto $9.6bn (Rs. 70,000 Crore) per day which is costing about $400 million (2,900 Crore) per hour as per Llyod's list. The Europe bound traffic is valued at approximately $5.1bn (Rs.510 Crore) while Asia bound traffic is at around $4.5bn (Rs.450 Crore). 5-10% of seaborne crude oil is transported through the canal. The disruption causes shipment delays of around 3-5 million barrels of oil per day.

Lloyd's List

Lloyd's List is one of the world's most seasoned ceaselessly running diaries, having given week by week dispatching news in London as right on time as 1734. It was distributed every day until 2013, and is in continually refreshed advanced arrangement just from that point forward.

History of Yellow Fleet Crisis in Suez Canal

Flash-backing into 1967, in June, when the fleet of 14 cargo ships passing through the canal , the war broke out between Egypt and Israel, which lasted for only few days, but ships remained stranded there for 8 years. Egypt closed the Suez Canal, as the debris and wreckage caused by war, jammed the canal. Eventually, cargo ships were abandoned by the crew, which were later on covered by the desert sand blown by the winds, leading its name to Yellow Fleet. The sea route remained jammed until ceasefire agreed upon by the two countries in 1973. The canal re-opened in 1975, after that.
Meanwhile, Evergreen Marine said that attempt will be made to refloat the ship by taking the advantage of tidal movements on Saturday. Ten tugboats has also been deployed to carry out the operation. The company is having all the container ships named in the 'Ever' + G-word format like Ever Goods, Ever Gaining etc. Among others.

Breaking News

As on March 29, 2021, the Monday, the ship is ready to refloat on its route from Malaysia to Netherlands, after 6 days of being stuckes there.


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Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Whatsapp Privacy Update - Explained in Hindi । Whatsapp Alternatives | What's Absent in Alternative Apps

  व्हाट्सएप की नई शर्ते अगर नही मानेंगे तो 8.2.2021 के बाद व्हाटसअप आपका एकाउंट बन्द कर देगा। क्या होगा अगर आप इन शर्तों को मानेंगे। आप की ये सब जानकारी

- App version

- IP address

- Language

- Time zone

- Location

- Phone number

- Mobile network

- Battery level

- Signal strength

- Browser information

- Hardware information

- Operating system version

- Profile picture

- Wifi signal

- Person connected with your wifi router (i.e. your router information)

व्हाट्सएप्प अपने बापू फेसबुक, भाई इंस्टाग्राम और अन्य दोस्तों के साथ भी बाटेंगा, हो सकता है पहले से बांट रहा भी हो। लेकिन अब इसने सब सीधे सीधे बता दिया है डंके की चोट पे। इसका मकसद अगर आपके डाटा को इस्तेमाल करके आपके interest के ads दिखाने तक होता तो भी सही था, मगर व्हाटसअप फेसबुक ये डाटा किसी तीसरी कम्पनी को बेच भी सकती है, ऐसा लिखा है नई terms & conditions में ।

भारत सरकार ने पहले ही इंटरनेट कम्पनियों को बोला था data सेन्टर localization के लिए, मतलब भारत का डाटा भारत में ही स्टोर किया जाए। नई पॉलिसी में व्हाट्सएप्प सारा डाटा USA, सिंगापुर या किसी भी देश में अपने सर्वर पे डाल सकता है।

और हाँ, अब ये paytm, गूगल pay को टक्कर देने के लिए Whtasapp pay ले के आ रहा है। और नई शर्तों में बताया गया है की व्हाट्सएप्प pay इस्तेमाल करने पर आपका 

- Bank Account number

- transaction history

सब कुछ अपने रिशतेदार apps के साथ बांटेगा । 

अब whatsapp के विकल्पों की बात करते हैं - telegram, signal जैसी कुछ apps को आप अपना नया messenger बना सकते हैं । अगर आप व्हाट्सप्प छोड़ देते हैं, तो क्या क्या फीचर्स हैं जो आपको वैकल्पिक एप्प्स में नही मिलेगा  

टेलीग्राम और सिग्नल में क्या नही मिलेगा ?

- आप स्टेटस नही डाल सकेंगे।

- आप ब्रॉडकास्ट लिस्ट नही बना सकते।

- आप जरूरी मेसज को Star नही कर सकते।

- आप दोस्तों को Live Location नही भेज सकेंगे।

- आप चैट Report नही कर सकते सिर्फ Block कर सकते हैं।

- अगर फोन गुम हो गया तो Signal app में चैट बैकअप का कोई विकल्प नही है।

Telegram vs Signal  (Comaprison)

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व्हाट्सएप्प की तरफ से सफाई 

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